====== WW8Cloud 4. April. 2019, 15:00 ======
The failures in our Cloud-system have been identified. A bigger update- and migration-process has been necessary.
During this process the cloud has been moved to its own separate server.
We recommend switching all configurations where you use our WW8Cloud to this new server.
There still are some problems, but we will solve them in the days ahead.
====== WW8Cloud 29. March. 2019, 11:00 ======
Our Old Cloud server [[https://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/owncloud/|WW8Cloud]]) is not responding any more.
No Login possible.
Calendar and File-sharing will be not available for an undetermined period (I don't know)
No data is lost (not now).
{{tag>cloud, failure, maintenance}}