====== FAU-XXX with Android ====== ===== Configuration with Android 4.x ===== Security Certificate: The necessary CA-Certificate „Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2“ is already integrated in Android 4.x {{infra:android-akt-wlan.png?200}} activate {{infra:android-conf-wlan.png?200}} select {{infra:android-select-wlan.png?200}} configure Tested with Android 4.2.2, ... ===== Configuration with Android 2.x ===== Security Certificate Download the necessary root certificate „Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2“ from: https://info.pca.dfn.de/uni-erlangen-nuernberg-ca/index.html and select the certificate in PEM-format (*.pem) and save it as "cacert.crt". **Android versions smaller 2.x are not supported.**