===== Oddities found in Fedora ===== == 1. Not enough space in /tmp while there is space free on disk == **''/tmp''** is a RAM-filesystem in Fedora configured to grand a maximum of half or RAM size.\\ If you want to save heaps of data for some time, don't do this in **''/tmp''**, use /locData instead.\\ So **''/tmp''** will be very fast, but it can not shrink it will only grow to its maximum size and steal you valuable RAM.\\ == 2. Files vanish from /tmp == All your data in **''/tmp''** will be lost after a reboot, because **''/tmp''** is only a RAM-filesystem.\\ And because of (1.) to reduce the size of **''/tmp''**, all files older (last used, read or modified) than 10 days will be deleted by a system service.