===== Libs and Tips ===== ==== Speeding up Numpy and Scipy ==== [[http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/numpyscipy-with-intel-mkl|with Intel MKL and OpenMP]] === Test numpy and scipy === >>> import Numpy >>> numpy.show_config() >>> numpy.test() >>> >>> import scipy >>> scipy.test() == Which module is used? == To determine which python module is used, the preinstalled, the owne (user lib) or something else. >>> import a_module >>> print a_module.__file__ == Installed Libs/Packages == !!!!Pizza.py (v. 0.1.0) http://pizza.sandia.gov/ Pre- and post-processing capability for the LAMMPS molecular dynamics, ChemCell cell modeling, and SPPARKS kinetic Monte Carlo packages. pip install Pizza.py ==== Way to Check the Way to install Python Packages ==== 1. **''aptitude''** > Check if there is a System-Package available/installed (if there is one installed you can't install/update this package. Ask your System Administrator). > In Aptitude call the search with ''**/**'' 2. **''pip''** > Check if there is a Python-package in the pip-system available **''pip search name''** (find the fitting name in the Internet, be creative) > Install the Package to your home directory (see above: Install Libs in a user environment) 3. Nothing in pip :( > Find and download the python-package, uncompress it and run (hopefully) **''python setup.py install --user''**