====== Abaqus ======
== Abaqus 2018 ==
module load abaqus/2018
== Online Documantation ==
[[http://infra.ww8kd.fau.de/abaqus/v2018/English/DSSIMULIA_Established.htm | HTML]] \\
[[ | HTML]]
== Abaqus 6.14==
== Abaqus 2017 ==
module load abaqus/2017
== Online Documantation ==
[[http://infra.ww8kd.fau.de/abaqus/v2017/English/DSSIMULIA_Established.htm | HTML]] \\
[[ | HTML]]
==== Getting started ====
module load abaqus
==== Useful Code-Snippets ====
You can't easily __delete Plots and xy Session Data__? Not anymore!!!
Code-Snippet for deleting xyData
for i in range(0,len(getridkeys)):
del session.xyDataObjects[getridkeys[i]]
Code-Snippet for deleting xyPlots
for i in range(0,len(getridkeys)):
del session.xyPlots[getridkeys[i]]
==== Create periodic boundaries with constraints in GUI ====
Interactions -> Constraints -> Equations
This editor provides the posibility to connect nodes by defining a set of linear equations.
Example for periodic boundary conditions for the connection of two nodes:
- Coefficient
Prefactor for linear equation for selected DOF (displacement). For the first set it should be 1. For all other sets in the current constraint it should be -1.
- set name
Set for first row can contain more than one node ("master set"). All other sets are "connected" with the master set.
Every other sets in sequential rows should contain only one node.
- Degree of freedom
Select DOF for which the coefficient is applied (1 means: u_x, 2 means: u_y, ...)
- Coordinate system
Only necessary if you want to work with local coordinate systems. Otherwise this field should be set to "(global)".
=== Token Magic ===
{{ :software:abaqus_tokens.jpg?400 |}}