====== LAMMPS - atomistica ======
**NEW**: https://github.com/Atomistica/atomistica/blob/master/README.LAMMPS.md
You can also find a special version (20150516) of lammps extended by the "interatomic potentials" module ''**atomistica**''.
It can **only** be used with **MPI** (''**module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64**'').
== Convert result dummps ==
Some Linux machines give semi-transparent Atomeye windows. This is the same behavior like in Abaqus.
There is a 64Bit Executable with OpenMP available
=== HDF5 in Lammps ===
==== HPC/woody ====
We use the Intel compiler and the Intel MKL (Blas) library.
module load mkl/11.2up02
module load intel64/15.0up02
module load openmpi/1.7.2-intel13.1
make lammps_factories
make atomistica