===== Paraview ===== [http://www.paraview.org/] ** Paraview 5.9.0 (default) ** ** 4.0.1 / 4.3.1 / 5.4.0 / 5.4.1 / 5.7.0 / 5.9.0 (_headless_egl/_headless_mesa)** > module load paraview/VERSION === User Manual === http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Table_Of_Contents === Running PV in client server mode === Open a ssh-tunnel by: ssh -nNT -L 59000:localhost:11111 USER@MACHINE.ww.uni-erlangen.de and run a pvserver on the ''MACHINE'' by loading the appropriate module and run ''mpiexec'' module load paraview/5.9.0_headless_egl mpiexec -np 4 pvserver --force-offscreen-rendering on the client machine one can connect to the ''pvserver'' by the connect dialogue and adding the server as | Host | localhost | | Port | 59000 | ====== Warning! ====== On ''sim04'' only the module ''paraview/5.9.0_headless_mesa'' is working!