===== OpenBLAS/GotoBLAS =====
== Website ==
== OpenBLAS 0.2.14 ==
Fedora 22 : **-system** //included//
Environment variables for development
module load 0.2.14-system
OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD
version. The project is supported by the Lab of Parallel Software and
Computational Science, ISCAS. [[http://www.rdcps.ac.cn]]
=== TIPS ===
== disable threading affinity on runtime ==
You can define the **''OPENBLAS_MAIN_FREE''** or **''GOTOBLAS_MAIN_FREE''** environment variable to disable threading affinity on runtime. For example, before the running,
== Possible Errors ==