====== SVN ======
== List of WW8 Repositories ==
[[https://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/svns/| All Repositories]] and Instructions how to find and connect to your repositories.
=== Admin view ===
[[https://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/adm/svn.php|Admin List]] for all available repositories and instructions how to create new ones.
== .svn ==
Working copies of former versions of svn (<1.7) had hidden management directories in every sub-directory. Since version 1.7 there is only one **''.svn''**-directory left in the head directory of the working copy.
When applying general management commands make sure to execute them on the head directory.
If you introduce some **''.svn''**-directories in a sub-directory, by importing stuff, checking out a sub-directory tree in a sub-directory or something else you can completely screw up your working copy. To repair such an mistake the most simple way is to create a new working copy in an empty directory.
=== Documantation ===
[[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/index.html|Subversion Red-Book]]
== Properties ==
svn proplist -R
svn propset svn:ignore '*' $FOLDERrelativeToRepositoryRoot
(( [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4889375/svn-ignore-subfolders|sof]]))
=== Branch/Merge ===
For creating a seperate Branch in which you can create and test new features without changing the main branch (trunk).
First create the ** new branch ** by copying the main branch (after making sure you commited your last changes **'' svn ci ''**):
svn copy \
http://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/svn/$CATEGORY/$PROJEKT/trunk \
http://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/svn/$CATEGORY/$PROJEKT/branch/easter-egg \
-m "Creating private branch for feature easter egg"
Check out the new branch in a new local repository (new directory):
svn co \
Now you can create the new features in this repository and commit them to the SVN.
If there are changes in the main trunk which you want to have in your working branch you can merge them to your local repository.
svn merge \
If you are done with the new features and want to merge them back in the main trunk.
(** Importent!!** This has to be done in a repository of the main trunk ''**svn co http://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/svn/$CATEGORY/$PROJEKT/trunk**'' )
svn merge --reintegrate \
svn ci \
-m "Reintegrating private branch for feature easter egg into trunk"
The Revision number increases with all commit to the SVN. So commits to the branch are counted also to later commit to the trunk.
The branch will be visible in the SVN even after merging him back to the trunk. So best is some cleanup after merging him back or when he is no more needed.
svn delete \
http://ww8depot.ww.uni-erlangen.de/svn/$CATEGORY/$PROJEKT/branch/easter-egg \
-m "Deleting private branch for feature easter egg"