Installing Fedora


1. Take a USB stick and format it.

2. Download Fedora Media Writer and install a live image on the USB stick

3. Eject the stick

4. Plug the stick into the PC where you want to install Fedora and start the computer. While booting press ESC continuously and when the boot Menu shows up, take the option to boot from the stick.

5. Install Fedora.

Installing Packages

1. All scripts can be found in /net/sysVol/initscripts and there in the fedora/ directory. Copy the fedora directory to some place on your computer

2. Go into your fedora directory and go to bin. Exchange line 30

"export OS_DEP_DIR="${WW8_ROOT_CONFIG}/f$(rpm -E %fedora)"

with the location of your fedora directory and comment out this line:

ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY  $OS_DEP_DIR/cfg-base/play_fasttemp.yaml

3. Edit the file by editing these two lines

  if [[ $BRANCH == "f38" ||
        $BRANCH == "f39" ]]; then


  if [[ $BRANCH == "f38" ||
        $BRANCH == "f39" ||
        $BRANCH == "f40" ]]; then

4. Install ansible

sudo dnf install ansible

5. Execute

 sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory play_env.yaml


 sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory play_pkg_base.yaml

6. Install Python Packages

 sudo dnf install rpm-build


 rpmbuild -ba ww8-python.spec