Add some Host and Proxy configuration to your user ssh config file of your PC at home.
And you can ssh direct to your client inside the institute, which would be on normal ways unreachable.
[AtHome]# ssh ww8User@YourClientName -YC
Host * GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes Host ww8access User <USERNAME> HostName Host ww8stud2 HostName User <USERNAME> ProxyCommand ssh <USERNAME>@ww8access -W %h:%p %r Host ww8stud3 HostName User <USERNAME> ProxyCommand ssh <USERNAME>@ww8access -W %h:%p %r Host ww8-2024-3 HostName User <USERNAME> ProxyCommand ssh <USERNAME>@ww8access -W %h:%p %r
curl > ~/.ssh/config
Adapt the rights so ssh
will accept the file:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Change the <USERNAME
>-variable to your ww8-username ([YOUR_USERNAME]
sed -i 's/<USERNAME>/[YOUR_USERNAME]/g' ~/ssh/config
Add the simulation nodes hosts to your user ssh config file of your PC at home.
In addition to the above mentioned host 'ww8access' you can add the simulation nodes by extending the ssh config file according to the following recipe:
Host sim02 HostName User <USERNAME> ProxyCommand ssh <USERNAME>@ww8access -W %h:%p
Important here is the different host names of the simulation nodes.
Do not forget to set the correct users' rights as above.
Mount a direcotry from another client without superuser rights. You only need the right to connect to the other Client via SSH.
Unmounting without superuser rights:
fusermount -u /$LOCALDIRECTORY
See also []
ssh -nNT -L 59000:localhost:5900 [USERNAME]@ww8[CLIENT]
On the Client which you want to connect to our network
You need root rights on your linux laptop (or on one of our Student- or Institut-Laptops).
Because of the Institut-Laptops and your personal Laptop which is registered in our internal network, you need to connect to a Client like ww8-node which is also in the internal network (see top - proxy configuration).
sudo sshuttle -r [USER]@ww8-node1
Generate a ssh key and type in your password and the name of your key file. This generates a key file and a public key (.pub).
cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Make sure, that your files in your .ssh directory have the rights -rw——–. If not, you can change it by
chmod g-r <filename>
Submit your public key to the server
ssh-copy-id -i <public.key> user@server
ssh $USERNAME@$Server tar czf - /$Directory | tar xzf -
tar czf - $Directory | ssh $USERNAME@$Server tar -xzf - -C /$destDirectory
tar czf - stuff | ssh $USERNAME@$Server 'cat - > stuff.tar.bz2'