

NumPy 1.11.2

NumExpr 2.6.1

optimized NUMPY (pip)

With preloading flexiblas (wrapper for openblas) you can change the openblas (serial/parallel) during runtime.

pip install --no-binary :numpy: numpy

For updating an exitingn numpy in an virtualenvireonment:

pip install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --no-binary :numpy: numpy

alternate version of numpy (Intel MKL)

This command executes a script loading a special python module providing NumPy 1.7.1, SciPy 0.13.0, Matplotlib 1.1.1rc:

source "/usr/net/bin/module_python"

The module is only sourced in the current terminal. Start i.e. Spyder (Python IDE) with:

spyder &

alternate version of numpy (1.9.2 optimized)

export CFLAGS="-fopenmp -m64 -O3 -Wl,--no-as-needed"
export CXXFLAGS="-fopenmp -m64 -O3 -Wl,--no-as-needed"
export LDFLAGS="-ldl -lm"
export FFLAGS="-fopenmp -m64 -O3"
python install --prefix=/somewhere

IF you are on a cluster or on a computer with good hardware, also add -mtune=native as option to CFLAGS,CXXFLAGS and FFLAGS.
The module is only sourced in the current terminal. Start i.e. Spyder (Python IDE) with:

spyder &
