'mM' is an open source program for DD (Dislocation Dynamics) simulations originally developed at the 'Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures', CNRS-ONERA, France. (from the Website)
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Go to the folder bin
and generate the makefile with
make -f config linux
The makefile must be edited on Fedora 22. Change some lines to
MPIFC=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpif90 CFLAGS= -I /usr/include/X11 -L/usr/lib64/X11 -L/usr/include/X11 FFLAGS= -ftree-vectorize -I/usr/include/X11 -L/usr/lib64/X11 -L/usr/include/X11
then make.
Load the openMPI module with
module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64
change the content of the file in/hosts.dd
and run e.g.
mpirun -N 8 -machinefile ../in/hosts.dd mmp > screen.log &
This worked for me on ww8stud1. — Manuel Leimberger 2015/09/17 12:11