Intranet of the Institute of Material Simulation

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FEM101 documentation

This is the workbench of the Institute for Material Simulation. It is intended to be a common source of information for the members of the Institute, Scientists, students and others.

This is a working site and will change and grow.


The IT - Incidents and Maintenance

Downtime of HPC clusters LiMa, TinyFAT & parts of Woody on Mon, May 15.

12.05.2017 - 16:00

Do to urgent work on the power grid, the HPC clusters LiMa, TinyFAT & parts of Woody (w10xx = :sb) have to shut down on Monday, May 15th starting at 7 o'clock in the morning. As usual, jobs that would collide with the downtime will be postponed.

Check the MOTD when logging into the clusters for updates.

2017/05/12 13:59

New Repositories: SVN ⟶ GIT

28.04.2017 - 14:00

Starting from today our old subversion repositories on will be moved to our new SimLab(git) repository management system, which is based on GIT.

In this process the repositories will be converted to GIT.

To access the repositories on SimLab you have to log in there once and ask an administrator (me) to give you rights for the repository. This has only to be done for the first repository, all other access rights will be added automatically by the system (hopefully).

If you can not access your repositories any more or have questions about the usage of GIT.

If the demand for counselling is big enough and questions arise about how to plan and handle a project with the new GIT-workflow we should hold a panel and discuss best practices.

2017/04/28 12:17

New C++17 feature - Auto parallelism

C++17 is bringing parallel versions of STL algorithms, new special math functions, initializers in switch and if statements, and more. GCC 7.0 (coming with Fedora 26) is already in quite good shape for C++17 additions thus far.

2017/03/06 20:08

Maintenance IdM-Portal - 14.02.2017

Am Dienstag, 14.2.2017 von 14 bis 17 Uhr, werden einige IdM-Datenbanken aktualisiert.

Während dieser Zeit ist das IdM-Portal nicht erreichbar.

Für den Ausfall bitten wir um Verständnis!

2017/02/08 09:09

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