Modules Environment

On most HPC systems, as well as on our institute clients and laptops the Module Environment is installed. Usually it supplies a collection of different libraries and compilers in selected versions for use in your simulations.

RRZE module Guide

important module commands

module avail Show all products available on this platform
module list List of currently activated products of the user
module load MODULE Activate product (get access to product)
module unload MODULE Deactivate product (release product)
module switch Replace product (version) with
module whatis MODULE Print short description for product
module help Print longer description
module show MODULE Show what environment changes are performed for product if activated

Different versions of a product are identified by /. If a module command is applied to just a product name, a default version is chosen. If a very specific version is desired, the full / specification should be used.

Custom environment

You can customize your environment and use self-made modules (modules calling a collection of modules for a special purpose) by modifying your environment variables (.bashrc).

MODULESHOME The location of the master Modules package file directory containing module command initialization scripts, the executable program modulecmd, and a directory containing a collection of master modulefiles.
MODULEPATH The path that the module command searches when looking for modulefiles. Typically, it is set to a default value by the bootstrap procedure. MODULEPATH can be set using 'module use' or by the module initialization script to search group or personal modulefile directories before or after the master modulefile directory.
LOADEDMODULES A colon separated list of all loaded modulefiles.
_LMFILES_ A colon separated list of the full pathname for all loaded modulefiles.
MODULESBEGINENV If modules has been configured (BEGINENV=99) to test for this environment variable, then if it exists, it is the name of the file to store the initial shell environment. This environment variable will have embedded environment variables unrolled to one level. The contents of this variable is only used the first time modules is invoked.
_MODULESBEGINENV_ The filename of the file containing the initialization environment snapshot.
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