BASH (/bin/bash)
recursively remove all .svn dirs
rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`
find files newer/oder than
find ./ -type f -type d -newermt 2007-06-07
replace a string in all files in a subdirectory
find . -name '*.shtml' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed 's/mitarbeiter-und-studenten/staff/g' -i
Replaces mitarbeiter-und-studenten with staff. BE careful with that!!!!
Use a command on all //directories/files// recursive
find <dir> -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;
Copy directory content
Copy the content of one directory into an other already existing directory
cp /dir/. /dir2/ -R
other stuff
View and edit metadata of pdf-documents:
pdftk original.pdf dump_data output metadata.txt
edit metadata.txt … and back into the pdf:
pdftk original.pdf update_info metadata.txt output new.pdf