lets try ;)


DAMASK 3.0.0 (default)


> module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64

Pre-configured docker image

A pre-configured docker image is available at the docker hub. For quick testing of the DAMASK spectral solver, use

podman pull kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask

to pull this image to your local machine.

Once the image is downloaded to the local machine, start a container with this image by

podman run -it kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask /bin/bash

Then navigate to the example folder to test out the basic functionality of the spectral solver with

cd examples/SpectralMethod/Polycrystal
DAMASK_spectral -l tensionX.load -g 20grains16x16x16.geom

If you would like to use the pre-configured docker image to run some simulation, you can mount your local directory to the container during the launch time by

podman run -v {YOUR_LOCAL_DIR}:/tmp -it kedokudo/damaskdocker:damask /bin/bash

then you can navigate to the /tmp directory and start your simulation

cd /tmp
Troubleshooting Podman

1. Try runnging podman system migrate

2. Check if your container-configuration is in your HOME-Folder on a network-share or local.

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