The IT
Incidents and Maintenance
New C++17 feature - Auto parallelism
C++17 is bringing parallel versions of STL algorithms, new special math functions, initializers in switch and if statements, and more. GCC 7.0 (coming with Fedora 26) is already in quite good shape for C++17 additions thus far.
Maintenance IdM-Portal - 14.02.2017
Am Dienstag, 14.2.2017 von 14 bis 17 Uhr, werden einige IdM-Datenbanken aktualisiert.
Während dieser Zeit ist das IdM-Portal nicht erreichbar.
Für den Ausfall bitten wir um Verständnis!
Maintenance FAUbox - 24.02.2017
07.02.2017 14:15
Wegen einem größeren Release-Upgrade wird die FAUbox am Dienstag, 14.02.2017 in der Zeit zwischen 14:00 und 15:00 kurz ausfallen.
Beginn der Arbeiten: 14:00
Voraussichtliches Ende der Arbeiten: 15:00
Betroffene Personen: Alle Nutzer der FAUbox
Alle Synchronisationsaufgaben werden nach dem Ausfall automatisch wieder aufgenommen, sodass keine Aktionen der Nutzer nötig sein sollten.
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The IT is back
30.09.2016 - 14:00
All systems working again, the Cloud services included.
System Emergency shutdown - back to normal
23.09.2016 - 16:30
The new identity management system (IDM) is working like a charm.
- All clients in the institute are back to normal.
- Most of the server services are working again, network shares and SVN repositories.
But one last thing missing are the cloud systems with calendars and filesharing. You can use the ww8Cloud again and access your files and personal calendar, but sharing and the institut calendars are still missing.
System Emergency shutdown - most systems back
22.09.2016 - 19:08
We lost our identity management system (IDM) today which is managing all our clients and user accounts.
A new IDM has been prepared and tested during the last months and has taken over now.
The bad news is all user accounts got lost and have to be recreated (except the ones of people with test accounts in the new systems). Everyone has to get a new password. I will send new temporary passwords by email if the email-address is available to me, unfortunately the email-addresses of all our users had been saved in the broken IDM.
All the clients in the institute (except for ww8-node1 and ww8-2029-1) are back to normal, home directories are available again.
Sometimes there is strange behavior when sshing around. Workaround is to kinit
and source the ~/.bashrc
. This will be solved tomorrow.
The SVN repositories are still not available, but will be back tomorrow too.
The Ownclouds (owncloud and fass-cloud) are not working, the need a little bit more tuning, hopefully they will be back tomorrow afternoon too.
The student laptops which have been borrowed by some students (Bergmann and Monnavari) will loose the ability to login during the next weeks and have to be returned to the institute to be configured for the new IDM.
System Emergency Shutdown
22.09.2016 - 11:19
All our systems will be shut down for at least one our. After this all passwords have to be reset.
- Home directories and Login to clients in the institute will not be available.
- SVNs will not be available.
- Owncloud and other services will not be available, maybe for an even longer time.
- The cause of all these troubles is our Certificate system which died yesterday afternoon. Certificates can not be renewed because of some internal problems.
The fastes way to solve the problem is to just set up a new one.